Breakfast With Santa

Breakfast With Santa in 2003

Come have fun with Santa!

Click on any of the thumbnails to see a larger version of the photo. Use your Back button on your menu bar to return to this page. Have fun!

Also, Santa's rolodex may be complete, but ours is not! If you recognize someone in these photos, please send us an e-mail and we'll gladly add that information. Thank you!

A welcoming balloon snowman

Santa & Mrs. Claus wave to the kids

Some of Santa's elves

Hilda and one of Santa's elves -- her daughter!

There were lots of happy families!

Nancy and friends

Rimma and two little friends!

Dawn, Janice, and the Marines

Karlene and friends

More happy families!

Dawn & friends

Santa's helpers

Our charity sponsors, the Clauses, and the ever-helpful Marines!

Web site by Laughing Collie Productions
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