(This is a private event, by invitation only.)
New unwrapped toys for Toys For Tots and non-perishable food items for Second Harvest Food Bank.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Santa’s Elves will greet you upon arrival, and Santa is happy to pose with you for photographs. Please bring your cameras!
There will be arts & crafts and face painting for all the children. We will also be giving away door prizes during the event. We will have a selection of food and beverages. There is plenty of parking. Come enjoy yourselves, have Breakfast With Santa, and get reacquainted with your sponsor at our 21st Annual Event!
We are working with the United States Marines again this year to assist in collecting toys and food donations for Toys For Tots and Second Harvest Food Bank.
Photography Disclaimer:
By entering the event premises, you waive your photography rights. By participating in our event you consent to your photograph being taken and your party/group photograph being taken and its release and publication in our website. Images and photos may be used in our website to promote our event without expressed or written permission of those included within the photograph. To ensure privacy of the individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identfying information. Any person not affiliated with “Breakfast With Santa” may not use, copy, alter or modify our photographs on our website. You have been fully informed of your consent and release before entering the event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!